Our backyard makeover!

About a year ago, we started dreaming up ideas of how we could redesign our very lackluster backyard. It was pretty much a blank slate, so the options were endless…. But our budget was not! We found out early on in our design process that landscaping can be very expensive! We met with a landscape+design company here in Austin, which was very eye opening! We were given a lot of great ideas and they created a functional design for our specific measurements/wants/needs. We knew we needed to do a lot of prep-work before implementing the landscaping, so we held off and saved our money. From gutters, to installing and plumbing the 3,000 gallon water tank, hired out for the patio extension, installed the sprinkler system, to finally laying sod. This project has been a long time in the making and we’re now starting to see our ideas come to fruition.

Our motivators were this:

  1. Walking around barefoot!!!
  2. Less dirt and mud. Our backyard was a nightmare after it rained.
  3. Prevent run off/erosion.

Last weekend kicked off our grass party ;) We ordered 18(!!!) pallets of Zoysia grass from The Grass Outlet and they were delivered bright and early Saturday morning at 6:30 am. The grass outlet had the best price, quick delivery and the grass was super fresh. We were really pleased with their service! We had a two truck loads of soil delivered that Friday and rented a bobcat Saturday morning. By 7am, we were ready to get started. The first day always seems to start slow, but we managed to spread about 1/3 of the dirt and lay 6 pallets of sod. Sunday was MUCH more productive and LONG! Thankfully we found a young man on craigslist, which was monumental. We were able to lay the rest of the 12 pallets and still had area to cover at the end of the day. We ordered one more pallet for the backyard and Scott was able to finish over the weekend. During the process of using the bobcat, the front yard got pretty tore up. We went ahead and ordered 6 more pallets of bermuda to finish off the front. I’m thinking of adding a couple of plants as we go, but for the most part, our backyard is set! We’re loving our new yard and GRASS!!!

Ames came out to help us for a couple of hours on Saturday

Labor Day weekend

This is how I feel on Tuesday after Labor Day.
Melvin can’t even.

What a glorious and much needed 3 day weekend we had. We used the extra time to our advantage and ended up being very productive. A few things we did with our extra time this weekend…

  • Visited with our Aunt Connie who was in town for our nieces baptism. She brought over two fall pumpkins for us. I can’t wait to break out all of my fall decor.


  • Finished painting our TV stand and hutch. We moved them inside and got our entertainment area all squared away.

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  • Finished the fence and gate.
  • Scott got rid of trash and scrap material left over from the fence build.
  • Attended our twin nieces baptism in San Antonio. I got lots of time holding and feeding one of the 8lb baby girls. It was sweet.


  • Drafted our teams for fantasy football! #Sundaysareforfootball
  • Watched the first UT game of the season with family.
  • Spent time with friends(and drank too much wine) on Sunday night eating dinner and playing the hat game.
  • Celebrated Mac’s 9th Birthday!
  • Bought a new couch!
  • Shopped for decorations for the guest bedroom and the gallery wall.

It was a productive weekend, but not the stressful kind that leaves you exhausted afterwards. Spending time with friends and family is so refreshing and rejuvenating for my soul. Weekends are even better when you get to see your family/friends and still have time to check stuff of your ToDo list!

Everyday wreath

My love for wreaths runs deep. I think they add a fun personal flair to your home. I have a handful of wreaths for specific holidays, but I was lacking the everyday wreath. I came across this cute painted blue twig wreath at one of our family garage sales and bought it from my maw maw… actually I think we did a trade. She got shelf liners and I got the wreath. haha I already had a vision in mind for what I wanted to do with it.

Supplies needed:

  • wreath of some sort. Love the non painted twig wreaths too
  • floral bouquet
  • flat letter
  • craft/scrapbooking paper
  • hot glue gun
  • mod podge

How to:

  1. Trace letter on craft paper and cut out. Glue down with mod podge and let sit for a day. I put mine between two books to keep the paper from curling.
  2. Hot glue letter onto wreath.
  3. Add florals in design of your liking.

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