Austin ice day

Just documenting our ice day here in Austin. I got an email from my director yesterday afternoon, advising us about possible late starts because of the weather. I was like, yeah right, we won’t have a late start… delete. Woke up this morning to my alarm and four other texts from coworkers saying our whole office is closed for the day!!! What a great way to start the weekend, right! So here I sit in my robe, sipping coffee, listening to my dogs play tug of war and Scott in the other room typing away at his computer. It’s quite nice actually!!!
melvin eating ice
Melvin was eating the ice. He’s a big fan of ice cube treats so he was loving it!
mac and melvin
Gotta love the two of them together. I can not wait to see them in the snow when we road trip to Colorado in February. #macandmelvin

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